Monday, December 17, 2007

The World Revolves Around Reporters... Doesn't It?

"PHILLY ANCHOR Alycia Lane is scheduled to appear on TV tomorrow night in "Celebrate the Season," an annual special highlighting holiday cheer in the Delaware Valley. Not so fast. The suits at CBS 3 and the CW Philly may have to reconsider broadcasting the special since Lane was arrested early yesterday on charges of punching a New York City cop in the face.

According to the police complaint, the Emmy-winning anchor yelled at the female police officer, "I don't give a f--- who you are, I'm a f---ing TV reporter, you f---ing dyke," according to, a Philadelphia Weekly blog. She was nabbed at 2:04 a.m. at 17th Street and 9th Avenue in lower Manhattan, said New York City police spokesman Sgt. Carlos Nieves."

Click HERE for the FULL story about this narcissistic, self-absorbed, "the world revolves around me me me", reporter. What an a**hole she is.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Wheeee....Look at Me! Duh.......

The bull almost killed me... hahahahahaha!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fake Drinking Water

Oh my gosh... FAKE WATER is being sold in China.
Click HERE.

What will they think of next?

Friday, June 01, 2007

Insanity Runs Amok

There is a man (loosely called a "US Scientist") and a group of rabid "believers" that are heading to the North Pole on what they call "the greatest geological expedition in history."

Do you suppose they're looking for wildlife? Or Oil? Or wanting to examine arctic conditions? Nope. How about measuring the magnetic anomalies of the pole? Nope. How about doing some ice core sampling? Nope.

They are, and I kid you not, looking for "the hole to the center of the Earth". Supposedly, and according to this group, it is surrounded by a mysterious fog. How they know this, never having been there (they're looking for it, right?), is a bit of a mystery in itself. Anyway, this "hole" is supposed to lead to the hollow core of the Earth where an unknown civilization lives, or lurks.

The "scientist" is named Brooks Agnew, and by next year at this time, he hopes to be lounging in the hole, delighting in inner Earth amazement. He's chartered a commercial Russian icebreaker named Yamal (port of Murmansk), and he will sail just beyond Canada's Arctic islands - where the "hole" is supposed to be.

"Everest has been climbed a hundred times," Mr. Agnew says. "The Titanic has been scanned from stem to stern. [But] this is the first and only expedition to the North Pole opening ever attempted."

Recently, the idea that the Earth is hollow experienced a revival, thanks in part to a 2006 book, by American author David Standish, titled "Hollow Earth: The long and curious history of imagining strange lands, fantastical creatures, advanced civilizations, and marvelous machines below the Earth's surface".

Now, mind you, I'm not one to stop this guy, and his fruitcake microwave-oven brain damaged followers from their fun. Have at it. But please do not try to tell us this is anything other than silly hijinks at best.

In a way, this is REALLY REALLY scary. This Agnew guy supposedly has an education - from a university here in the US. In physics no less. So my question is, what school passed this guy and gave him a degree? And how many others are walking around with supposed degrees - thinking this kind of sheer and utter nonsense in their heads - without one shred of a capability to think critically or reason scientifically??

Let's talk about this "hole"... surrounded by mysterious fog eh? And I suppose guarded by Mothra or Godzilla perhaps? And um... no sea water pouring into it draining our oceans? Must be an elevated hole... is it marked? Neon signs ringing it with strange lettering "Hole Here, Danger, Watch Your Step"? Or perhaps, "No Girls Allowed"... hahahaha.

It obvious that everyone is lying about this perhaps... of all the Earth orbiting satellites, ocean explorations, flights, no one has ever spotted "the hole"... ah yes, the conspiracy approach... we're ALL in on it. This group will prove us wrong.

Yeah. OK. I know where there's a HOLE and it's not in the Arctic, it's in their heads.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Martians... calling George.... CQ CQ

BWWWahhhhahahahahha.... Attention Humanlings and Earthloids! HAHAHAHAHA.

Click HERE for fun-filled lunacy!!! BWAAAHHHAHAHA

Monday, March 26, 2007

Odd - Very very Odd

Did you know there is no mention of ROSWELL in "The Report on Project Blule Book" by Capt Ruppelt? Capt Ruppelt ran Blue Book for years... and they reported on some wild stuff. But - no Roswell.

I'm beginning to consider that Roswell was one huge hoax.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

John Doerr - again!

Oh yeah... Mr. John Doerr serves on the boards of Google, Amazon, Intuit, Homestore, and Sun. And also private ventures Good Technology, Miasole, Purkinje, Spatial Photonics.

God HELP US! No wonder America is heading to the toilet...

John Doerr cries and whimpers on stage

Venture capitalist John Doerr chokes up with emotion when he thinks of global warming. He just kicked off the second day of the TED talk (March 9) and was blubbering like a little baby. "I'm scared," he told the audience. "I'm scared and I don't think we're going to make it", he blubbered like a little school girl whose pretty dress just got mud on it from a passing car.

God knows how such a wimpy crying little sniveling person ever got enough money to be a "venture capitalist"... but hey, you never know. 'Wahhh wahhhhhhh.... sniff sniff... Mommy, I'm afraid. There's BAD people out there and... I'm a little whimpering wussy... ".

Give me a flippin' break. This is NOT the America that grew strong and prosperous; this is NOT the America that had guts and knew what was right and wrong. We're in the era of the wussy-ville crying boys whining about scary things. Give me a BREAK! If this were any other time in our history, the world would have walked ALL OVER US. And, well, come to think of it, that's JUST what they're doing now. WAAAHHHHHHH!!! Booohooooo.

Guess what Mr. Cry-Baby Doerr.... you're a JERK and the only reason people don;t kick sand in your face is because of that all consuming SECOND great illness in America: greed and love of money!

Yeah... maybe we aren't going to make it but for God's sake, stop blubbering and stand up tall and be a man, you little sissy! Your daughter will probably have more balls than you do.

Click HERE for the sad story of a wimp

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Insane Florida State Senator

[A state legislator whose district is home to thousands of Caribbean immigrants wants to ban the term "illegal alien" from the state's official documents. "I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, especially to children," said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami. "An alien to me is someone from out of space." ] - Source: (Click HERE)

Well, personally, I find the words "Florida State Senator Frederica Wilson" very very offensive and I believe we should pass a resolution to change that phrase to something more accurate... Perhaps to something like "Complete Freaking Empty Headed Idiot" would be most accurate.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Aliens could attack at any time' warns former MoD chief

UFO sightings and alien visitors tend to be solely the reserve of sci-fi movies. So when a former MoD chief warns that the country could be attacked by extraterrestrials at any time, you may be forgiven for feeling a little alarmed.

Click HERE for the FULL Story

Oh my Lord! And this is from the same bunch that are whimpering about 'global warming' and melting glaciers too... this should clue you in about a few things in this world.